Private Water Utilities: Global Rankings & Company Strategies

8 Jun 2015
Available with corporate subscription

Private Water Utilities: Global Rankings & Company Strategies, is an in-depth analysis of leading privately-owned water utilities with global footprints in more than 24 countries, serving more than 310 million people. This report has been developed to support companies involved in the global private water market with detailed annual utility ranking highlights, M&A and concession activity analysis, and regional demand forecasting.

This Focus Report highlights the following:
  • Global ranking and in-depth analysis of the Top 50 privately-owned water utilities with footprints 24 countries
  • Bottom-up data analysis of key utility metrics– population served, company revenues, M&A– including national and consolidated company positions
  • Critical analysis of more than 86 M&A transactions and 72 concessions since 2013
  • Company profiles of 65 players generating over US$50 billion in revenue, globally
  • Competitive strategy analysis including routes to market, value chain positioning, asset purchases, and tender bids

Private Water Utilities: Global Rankings & Company Strategies is based on Bluefield Research’s ongoing tracking of over 100 private water utilities and offers a complete view of the sector including top-down regional trends combined with bottom up company profiles accompanied by a rich set of data indicators.


Bluefield Takeaways

  • Annual utility ranking highlights leading private water utility players. Bluefield’s rigorous methodology and bottom-up data analysis of key utility metrics– population served, company revenues, M&A – show consolidated and national marketshare positions of more than 65 private water players. These profiled companies are delivering more than 20 billion cubic meters (m3) annually of drinking water, generating over US$50 billion in revenue through these assets.
  • M&A, concession activity signal shift in competitive landscape. The global water landscape is transitioning, as demonstrated by Bluefield’s critical analysis of more than 86 M&A transactions and 72 concessions since 2013. While entrenched players hold onto key national positions, the emerging global presence of Japanese and Brazilian players indicate changes in the rankings going forward.
  • Regional demands foster mix of utility investment strategies. Private water players are tapping municipalities’ overwhelming need for investment to fill gaps in network coverage and treatment capacity. Bluefield’s analysis of more than 20 countries and highlight market attractiveness for implementing the private utility model.