U.S. EPA Combined Sewer Compliance: Judicial Consent Decree Trends and Planned Investment

Municipal sewer systems are facing increasing enforcement action and Clean Water Act violations by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reduce discharges of raw sewage and stormwater runoff. Through the National Enforcement Initiative, the EPA lists 29 civil judicial consent decrees to address combined sewer systems and sanitary sewer systems.

France Reshapes Private Water Landscape

In February, French water sector bellwethers Suez Environment and Veolia published full 2015 results confirming a sustained decrease in the importance of French revenues in their respective water portfolios. Both firms have attributed the decline to an unfavorable tariff environment and contract renegotiations, despite an annual production volume increase of over one percent.

India Policies Refocus Efforts for Water PPP Progress

India has seen mixed results developing water infrastructure through public-private partnerships (PPPs), despite increasing its policy commitments to address its massive infrastructure gap. Continued growth in economy, population and urbanization, and competing demand among user groups (industrials/power vs. municipal, irrigation), add pressure on India’s future water supply management.

Public-Private Partnerships in Water, 2016-2020

The global market for water PPP projects is set to nearly triple by 2020. Bluefield’s new 162-page report delivers the most complete and up-to-date analysis of public-private partnerships for strategic greenfield water investments, including contract models, capacities, sponsor strategies, capital expenditures, and commission dates.