Clients rely on our CAPEX forecasts to identify future opportunities across Europe’s municipal water markets.
Bluefield’s team of Europe water experts have sized and forecasted the 2024–2030 market for water & wastewater assets (i.e., treatment, pipes, lift/pump stations, and storage tanks) in 31 European countries.
Bluefield’s forecast methodology accounts for historical trends, growth in installed assets, regulatory drivers, and project-specific data to support critical decision-making. Bluefield weighs these factors independently and as a whole to forecast capital expenditures and capacity growth rates.
This data helps our clients address key questions:
- Which Europeans are projected to invest the most in water and wastewater?
- What is the breakdown of CAPEX spending by wastewater and drinking water?
- Which pipe and hardware segments will see the most investment ?
How do I access Bluefield’s CAPEX data?
Client access to Bluefield’s CAPEX data is available with a Europe Municipal Water Corporate Subscription or with the purchase of our Europe CAPEX report (with data).
Can I download the raw data?
As a Data Navigator seat holder, you can download the raw data in CSV format.
How often Does Bluefield update CAPEX data?
Our CAPEX data is updated on an annual basis.
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Worldwide Head of Development, AWS Water