Europe Municipal Water CAPEX Forecast Data


Clients rely on our CAPEX forecasts to identify future opportunities across Europe’s municipal water markets.

Bluefield’s team of Europe water experts have sized and forecasted the 2024–2030 market for water & wastewater assets (i.e., treatment, pipes, lift/pump stations, and storage tanks) in 31 European countries. 

Bluefield’s forecast methodology accounts for historical trends, growth in installed assets, regulatory drivers, and project-specific data to support critical decision-making. Bluefield weighs these factors independently and as a whole to forecast capital expenditures and capacity growth rates.

This data helps our clients address key questions:

  • Which Europeans are projected to invest the most in water and wastewater?
  • What is the breakdown of CAPEX spending by wastewater and drinking water?
  • Which pipe and hardware segments will see the most investment ?

How do I access Bluefield’s CAPEX data?

Client access to Bluefield’s CAPEX data is available with a Europe Municipal Water Corporate Subscription or with the purchase of our Europe CAPEX report (with data).

Can I download the raw data?

As a Data Navigator seat holder, you can download the raw data in CSV format.

How often Does Bluefield update CAPEX data?

Our CAPEX data is updated on an annual basis.

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As most people know, Amazon is a very data-driven culture. Having the depth of market intelligence and the ability to dive deep into the Bluefield Navigator has been invaluable to our team. We are able to quickly generate defensible insights that guide our decision-making process.

Worldwide Head of Development, AWS Water