Data on over 19,000 wastewater utilities and 23,000 treatment plants is just one click away.
Bluefield has compiled key metrics on 19,001 wastewater utilities and 23,990 treatment plants. The dataset covers location, population served, ownership, size, and water source.
This data helps our clients address key questions:
- What wastewater utilities serve each state?
- What is the breakdown of population served by utility size?
- Which states have the most treatment plants and wholesale providers?
- What are the top utilities by treatment plants owned?
How do I access Bluefield’s treatment system data?
Client access to Bluefield’s Data Navigator platform through our Municipal Water Corporate Subscription.
Can I see the data by facilities as well as by utilities?
Yes. The U.S. Wastewater Utilities dashboard utilizes ‘jump-to’ functionality for certain widgets, allowing you to access additional data on wastewater utilities’ treatment plants and wholesale customer relationships.
Does this dashboard include access to the raw data?
Yes. Data seat holders can scroll down to the data table and download the data by clicking the three white dots on the top right corner.
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Talk to us about data access.
Worldwide Head of Development, AWS Water