Clients rely on our competitive intelligence to track the top companies in water.
Our Top Companies in water dataset tracks the revenues of the 50 biggest players across 6 key water industry segments.
This data helps our clients address key questions:
- What Industry segments account for the most revenue?
- Who are the five largest players in digital water by revenue?
- How much of the revenues of top firms comes from water?
How do I access Bluefield’s Top Companies data?
Client access to Bluefield’s Data Navigator platform is available with a Water M&A Corporate Subscription.
Can I download the raw Top Companies data for myself?
Data Navigator seat holders can download the raw data in CSV format with the click of a button.
How often is you Top Companies in Water data updated?
Our Top Companies dashboard is updated on a quarterly basis along with our M&A Quarterly Updates.
Become a Data Navigator Seat Holder
Talk to us about data access.
As most people know, Amazon is a very data-driven culture. Having the depth of market intelligence and the ability to dive deep into the Bluefield Navigator has been invaluable to our team. We are able to quickly generate defensible insights that guide our decision-making process.
Worldwide Head of Development, AWS Water
Worldwide Head of Development, AWS Water