The global desalination market is undergoing significant change driven by more widespread competition for water by increasingly stressed utilities and industry verticals. Climate shifts are putting additional stress on existing water supplies in select markets like Australia, the western U.S., and Latin America. At the same time, baseload demand for water in the Middle East rises with population and industrial requirements.
Within this context, the global desalination market continues to evolve, driven by more widespread competition for private participation and associated capacity additions.
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Independent water providers have become one of the most dynamic groups in the desalination market
The ownership and development landscape of large-scale desalination plants is marked by a diverse array of stakeholders, made up of 168 net owners and 105 different EPC companies. This core group of firms—public and private—plays an important role in the continued development of desalination projects.
Cost of desal versus other water supplies
Desalination costs have come down significantly with the introduction of reverse osmosis technology; membrane solutions have declined in costs by over 60% compared to thermal desalination. Also, energy demands for desalination have improved over 38% since 2000 through energy recovery devices bringing down associated costs.
Desalination developers leveraging renewable power
Since 2000, 66 renewable-energy-powered desalination plants have been commissioned using mostly solar and wind energy power generation. Almost all of this renewable desalination capacity has been installed in developed countries where offsetting carbon emissions was a priority.
Industrial project stress is increasing market growth
A 30% share of installations, industrial desalination is expected to inch upward with an increasing number of large projects in planning. Industrial water users are increasingly tackling water constraints on their own rather than relying on municipalities and governments.
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Corporate Subscriptions
Subscribe to receive ongoing, monthly data sets, reports, and insights on key topics related to desalination.Subscription Options
Europe Municipal Water
Analyzing desalination projects, the proliferation of advanced treatment technologies, project financing models, and water supply strategies in Europe.
U.S. & Canada Municipal Water
Tracking U.S. desalination projects, the proliferation of advanced treatment technologies, project financing models, and water supply strategies.
Water M&A / Top Company Strategies
Rankings and analysis of top desalination owners across the globe.
Data Navigator
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- Global Desalination Ownership Rankings (Market Share)
- Global Desalination Projects
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Board meeting presentations, onsite client workshops, and customer-focused events.