The 2.2 million miles of drinking water pipe and 1.8 million miles of wastewater pipe installed across the U.S. vary in material type depending largely on when and where the pipe was installed. As new materials replace older ones in popularity due to factors like durability and cost, the material makeup of underground infrastructure slowly shifts.
Installations of pipe are the result of new construction (mainly suburban and exurban), pipe repair, or pipe replacement. With current annual replacement rates of less than 1%, the makeup of installed water and wastewater underground infrastructure does not readily reflect the shift in material preferences that is evident when examining the types of pipes being installed year-over-year
In this new Market Insight, Bluefield analyzes:
- Current State of the Market
- Factors Driving Change
- Market Shifts
- Competitive Landscape
Report Features
Table of Contents
- Pipe Material Shifts Across Water & Wastewater : Background & Takeaways
- Research Methodology
- Average Age of Pipes Across the U.S.
- Average Age of Pipe Infrastructure, by Region
- Breakdown of Water main Material Type
- Estimated Water Main Material Type, by Region
- Factors Driving Pipe Material change within Water & Wastewater
- U.S. Housing Start Growth
- U.S. Housing : Building Permits (2018-2019)
- Ten Fastest Growing States by Building Permits
- Cost of Pipe Material Types
- Policy Impacting Pipe Material Usage
- Municipalities Explicitly Allowing PVC Large Diameter Water Mains
- Pipe Equipment Installations
- Pipe Equipment Installations by New, Replacement, and Rehabilitation
- Pipe Segment Installations by Material
- Pipe Equipment Installations by Segment and Material (2019-2028)
- Pipe Market Shifts
- Pipe Equipment Installations by Material Types
- Pipe Market Shifts by Material Spending
- Pipe Equipment Spend by Material Type
- Pipe Market Changes Across Water & Wastewater Segments
- Pipe Market Changes Across Urban and Rural Environments
- Pipe Market Changes Across Diameters
- Competitive Landscape for Water & Wastewater Pipe in the U.S.