150-slide Smart Water report available for purchase and immediate download (includes data appendix)
Europe’s water industry is on pace to lead the world in its journey toward smarter municipal supply networks. With a focus on metering, leakage management, and energy efficiency, European utilities are optimizing network operations through a host of new hardware and software solutions.
Utilities are being bombarded by a multitude of vendor options to manage increasing data volumes in an environment of declining water consumption and revenues amidst rising infrastructure investment needs. Bluefield forecasts municipal smart water expenditures across Europe will total over US$30 billion from 2016 and 2025, representing 12% of overall utility CAPEX.
Bluefield’s new Europe Smart Water Report addresses key issues including metering, leakage management, energy efficiency, market forecasts and company strategies. This Focus Report is essential for companies evaluating their competitive positioning, procurement approaches, and the growth outlook in smart water.
Sections include:
- Europe Smart Water Policy and Utility Market Environment
- Europe Municipal Smart Water Forecasts, 2017-2025
- Utility Smart Water Rankings and Analysis
- Utility Metering Strategies
- Leakage Management Strategies
- Energy Efficiency Strategies
- Utility Profiles
For questions about report scope or pricing, or to see sample pages, please contact us. Also available for purchase from Bluefield: Market Insights on Energy Efficiency, Leakage Management and Smart Metering Strategies.
Report Features
- 150-slide Focus Report (PDF)
- Bottom-up data appendix including utility data, procurement trends, key country metrics (Excel)
- Strategic analysis of smart water meter investment drivers
- +40 utility company profiles including meter breakdown, installation trends, non-revenue water ratios