Water scarcity and drought continue to reshape the U.S. water landscape, as demonstrated by the recent increase in wastewater reuse projects in the U.S. Our analysis of the U.S. wastewater reuse sector demonstrates a total installed capacity of 18.5 million m3/d and US$12 billion of projects in the pipeline.
Currently, 441 systems are expected to be completed by 2030, accounting for over 6.7 million m3/d of reuse capacity. Longer-term water planning cycles at the state level are demonstrating greater support for the expansion of reuse systems. Four states — Florida, California, Texas, and Colorado – account for 95% of the development pipeline that has surpassed 480 planned projects.
Recent U.S. Water Reuse Market Developments:
- Colorado released its first state-wide water plan in November 2015, outlining 51 planned reuse projects.
- Texas’s 2016 Regional Water Plans outlined an additional 100 water reuse projects over the 50-year planning horizon.
- California is aggressively pursuing reclaimed water projects as part of its drought relief strategy.
- Florida published a state-sponsored study on the expansion of the beneficial uses of reclaimed water, building on its market-leading history of reuse projects.
- The U.S. Senate is currently debating a bill that would provide up to US$350 million for reuse projects to increase drought resiliency.
Since Bluefield’s June 2015 in-depth report, U.S. Municipal Wastewater & Reuse: Market Trends, Opportunities and Forecasts, 2015-2025, 147,000 m3/d of new capacity additions have been commissioned and the U.S. and the project pipeline has increased by 278 projects.
Read our press release on this topic: Water Reuse Gains Momentum in U.S. Amid Drought, Water Scarcity