The EPA continues to step-up its enforcement on industrial companies in violation of the Clean Water Act. Highlighting the tightening regulatory environment, the EPA has issued 95 consent decrees to industrial violators of the Clean Water Act since 1999, totaling more than US$6.4 billion in civil penalties. The energy sector is responsible for 36% of… Continue reading U.S. EPA Industrial Consent Decrees: Judicial Consent Decree Trends and Planned Investment
Report Type: Insight Report
Deep dive analysis on comprehensive topics to identify market opportunities.
Municipal Utility Districts in Texas: Emerging Drivers, Trends, & Opportunities
Municipal Utility Districts in Texas are undergoing strong growth on heels of a housing rebound and streamlined regulation of land development and bond finance. In this Market Insight, Bluefield water experts analyze drivers and inhibitors for the Texas Municipal utility market. Texas requires US $3.5 billion of water and wastewater CAPEX investment annually for the next… Continue reading Municipal Utility Districts in Texas: Emerging Drivers, Trends, & Opportunities
Europe Municipal Water Infrastructure: Utility Strategies & CAPEX Forecasts, 2016-2025
Release Date: September 2016, 89 Slides + Data Appendix Europe’s municipal water sector is at a crossroads– seeking to move past years of recession and policy obstacles to chart a new course for efficient, resilient, smart infrastructure. European utilities are now strategically mapping out their investment strategies to address climate change, increasing water stress, wastewater… Continue reading Europe Municipal Water Infrastructure: Utility Strategies & CAPEX Forecasts, 2016-2025
U.S. Municipal Wastewater Reuse: Project Pipeline and Market Forecast, 2016-2026
This latest insight provides an update to the municipal wastewater reuse investment forecast published in Bluefield’s June 2015 report U.S. Municipal Wastewater & Reuse: Market Trends, Opportunities and Forecasts, 2015-2025. Bluefield tracks over 607 municipal reuse projects in various stages of development across the U.S. Bluefield forecasts 10 million m3/d of reuse capacity additions between 2016… Continue reading U.S. Municipal Wastewater Reuse: Project Pipeline and Market Forecast, 2016-2026
Smart Water Meter Rollouts Gain Momentum in Texas
U.S. Municipal Water Infrastructure: Utility Strategies & CAPEX Forecasts, 2016-2025
More than 50% of U.S. municipal water infrastructure is nearing the end of its useful life with over 240,000 water main breaks per year. This new report, available for purchase, is essential for companies evaluating water infrastructure planning in the U.S.
New York Municipal Water and Wastewater Infrastructure: State Funding Awards 2016
The state of New York is investing in water infrastructure. Governor Cuomo announced the funding for 95 water infrastructure projects across nine regions in the state. Project funding applications show more than 70% of estimated budgets dedicated to clean water (wastewater) projects, while the remainder is planned for drinking water projects. Oneida County stands out as… Continue reading New York Municipal Water and Wastewater Infrastructure: State Funding Awards 2016
U.S. Private Water Utilities: Market Trends, Strategies, and Opportunities, 2016
U.S. Public Water System Violations (2011-H1 2016)
Data Insight: Bluefield tracks violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act by public water systems More than 42 million people served by public water systems in the 50 U.S. states and Native American reservations are potentially impacted by violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act. U.S. EPA violations, totaling a combined 3,286 at the end of… Continue reading U.S. Public Water System Violations (2011-H1 2016)