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Bluefield ranked the biggest influencers at the largest U.S. water conference next week… 

In every industry there is a group of influencers setting the tone for change. Municipal water is no different. Bluefield’s team of water experts is heading to Denver next week for ACE19, the larges...

Mainstreaming AI and Machine Learning 

Emagin’s Chief Strategy Officer, Jonathan Grant, explains how Emagin is helping to mainstream AI and machine learning. Jonathan identifies and answers the most common questions he gets on AI and als...

The Future of Digital Water: Bluefield Perspectives from Miami 

The water industry has come a long way, and yet we still have so far to go – nowhere is that more evident than in digital water. This message resonated with me at the 2019 Smart Water Networks Forum...

Water Innovation Ecosystems: Facilitating the Digital Water Journey 

The global market landscape for digital water continues to evolve. This was evidenced at a recent event in Miami, Florida, where Bluefield Research’s Digital Water Research Director

U.S. Private Water Utilities: Drivers, Competitive Landscape and Acquisition Trends, 2019 

This new Focus Report from Bluefield Research provides an in-depth analysis of the changing investor-owned utility landscape in the U.S., including key policy drivers, M&A activity, and competitive developments in utility asset ownership and market-based services.

Radhika Fox on Water Infrastructure 

US Water Alliance CEO Radhika Fox targets infrastructure issues affecting the United States. Radhika explains who the US Water Alliance is, its mission, and the programs it undertakes to promote that ...

Nutrient Treatment Evolves with New Regulations 

Advanced utility solutions for nutrient pollution impacting U.S. waterways are finding traction in new project developments, such as Missouri American’s Lake Carmel project. This activity is being driven by new regulations

The Power of Digital Water 

Cindy Wallis-Lage, the President of Black & Veatch’s Global Water Business, joins The Water Values Podcast for a great discussion on digital water. Cindy delves into the deep and broad capabilities ...

Nowcasting: Five Takeaways from SMI’s Smart Water System conference 

Last week, SMI’s 2019 Smart Water Systems conference in London showcased how far UK water utilities have come in adopting digital technologies – while making it clear how far they still have to go...