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Water 2.0: Key Takeaways from Esri’s 2019 Water GIS Conference 

In early February, I joined over five hundred water industry personnel convening in Nashville, Tennessee for the 2019 Esri Water GIS Conference. Over the course of the three-day event, Esri representa...

U.K. Municipal Water: Market Performance and Outlook for 2020-2025 

2019 is a pivotal year for the privatized water and wastewater services companies in the U.K. They are all currently with regulator Ofwat on price review (PR19) to establish new business plans for the upcoming 2020-2025 period.

Los Angeles’ Approach to Infrastructure 

Adel Hagekhalil, General Manager & Executive Director of City of Los Angeles’ Bureau of Street Services and former Assistant Director with Los Angeles’ Bureau of Sanitation, shares his approach to...

Industrial Water Efficiency Grows at a Cost… to Municipalities 

To put things in perspective, U.S. and Canada industrial sector withdrawals have declined 30% over the last three decades to 152 billion gallons per day (the daily equivalent of 760 billion bottles of...

A Watershed Investment Strategy 

Bill Brennan sheds significant light on building a portfolio of sustainable & ESG investments in the water sector. Bill discusses characteristics of companies he looks for, distinguishing those co...

Digital Water: Key Trends, Project Activity, and Market Outlook, 2018 Year in Review 

Overall, 2018 was a strong year for digital water, with growing interest among municipal water utilities seeking to engage in data-driven technologies and solutions. This quarterly insight highlights key trends in policy, project development, M&A, and venture funding activity in digital water, globally.

Opportunities in Canadian Industrial Water: Market Size, Trends, and Forecast, 2019-2023 

Economically, the market for industrial water management Canada – acquisition, treatment, reuse – exceeded US$1.36 billion in 2018. Bluefield's analysis covering over 7,500 industrial facilities across all 10 provinces highlights the extreme variation in water management spending across 20 industry verticals.

Ostara Acquires Multiform, Signalling Industrial Nutrient Recovery Opportunity 

On 3 January 2019, Ostara Nutrient Recovery announced the acquisition of Multiform Harvest. Based in Seattle, Washington, Multiform’s technology is designed to recover phosphorus from industrial wastewater streams

Unplugged, GE Digital Sharpens Focus on Water 

On 13 December 2018, diversified U.S. industrial firm General Electric announced the spinoff of its software unit, GE Digital. The new, US$1.2 billion firm will remain a wholly-owned subsidiary of GE