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Aquatech Mexico 2018: Bluefield Takeaways 

From 4-6 September, Bluefield Research attended Aquatech Mexico 2018, the leading water industry event for Latin America’s second largest market. Pessimism and inertia in the municipal segment were ...

Innovyze Strategy Breakdown: The Growth Strategy of a Smart Water Pure Play 

Bluefield analysts provide insight into how, when and why key decisions were made that collectively enabled Innovyze to sustain a remarkable run of growth and profitability, while documenting the key deals which have led to the consolidated market we see today.

U.S. Municipal Utility Operating Expenditure (OPEX) Forecast, 2018-2027 

This Data Insight provides a forecast of the municipal water utility landscape in the U.S. over the next ten years.  Operating expenditures are broken down by a regional and state-by-state basis, providing an in-depth look at both historical and projected expenditures.

Smart Water: Tendencias globales de hoy y mañana (Aquatech Mexico) 

This presentation analyzes global smart water trends (both now and in the future). First given by Bluefield Co-Founder and Vice President Keith Hays at Aquatech Mexico.

Topics covered include:

  • Advanced Asset Management Strategies
  • Business Case Drivers for Digital Water
  • Utility Journey
  • Smart Water Supply Chain
  • Smart Water Platform Convergence

More info on our new Digital Water Insight Service. Access Mr. Hays’ Aquatech presentation on P3 in Water.

Aquatech Mexico PPPs (Experiencias Exitosas de Estados Mexicanos) 

This presentation analyzes public-private partnerships across global water markets. First given by Bluefield Co-Founder and Vice President Keith Hays at Aquatech Mexico, these slides look at the current market for Water PPPs and the factors needed for project execution. (Slides are in Spanish).

More analysis, see our report on public-private partnerships in water.


Managing Water Like Inventory 

Frank Burns explains how his time designing wastewater treatment plants led to the founding of a technology company that identifies water waste in the built environment. Frank gives a wide-ranging loo...

A Contractor’s Practical Thoughts on Sewer Overflows 

David Putnam conveys some of the wisdom he’s learned during his 40 years as contractor in the water and sewer industry. David talks prevention of SSOs, including his patented invention, the Sewer Se...