What can Advanced Asset Management Mean for Municipal Water?
Concerned with operating and replacing aging infrastructure, changing workforce dynamics, and increasing climate volatility, municipal water utilities are adopting advanced asset management strategies...U.S. Airport Water Reuse & Water Management: Market Size, Drivers, and Applications
Airport authorities, municipalities, airlines, and rental car companies are investing in airport-based water reuse. Bluefield has identified 22 existing and planned airport projects projects with reuse systems deployed from 2002 through 2023. The total value of the projects is US$1.78 billion.
Water-stressed states – California, Arizona, Hawaii, and Florida–have seen the lion’s share of activity. Recent projects at San Francisco International, San Diego International, Long Beach, and Fresno-Yosemite International are direct responses to California’s drought.
In this Market Insight, Bluefield Water Experts analyze the market opportunities for water reuse at airports, looking at market drivers, current projects and key players.
Advanced Asset Management Strategies to Drive $41 Billion in Water Utility Savings over Next Decade
Boston, Massachusetts – Smarter, more advanced asset management strategies will save water utilities US$41.9 billion in capital expenditures by 2027, according to a new report from Bluefield Re...Intel Chips in with Water Reuse
On 23 April 2018, Intel Corporation highlighted its ensuing completion of a US$25 million water recycling facility at its Ronler Acres manufacturing location in Hillsboro, Oregon.
Initially announced in 2016, the project contract was awarded to GE Water & Process Solutions (now Suez) and is a strategic move to secure water supplies for expansion of its D1X microchip manufacturing operations. In September 2017, Intel announced its goal to return 100% of its water used back to local communities by 2025.
In this Research Note, Bluefield’s water experts analyze Intel’s strategy and water initiatives from other global semiconductor players.
Advanced Asset Management Practices: A Global Overview
Bluefield water experts Will Maize and Erin Bonney Casey recently presented on a webinar for the Water Asset Management Conference Series.
These slides provides highlight analysis available through our new reports: