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California Drought, Blackouts, and the End for Desalination? 

Bluefield’s water experts discuss the mixed signals being received from California, in terms of drought, desalination, and the interconnection between water and power. This discussion ident...

Water for Energy: Trends, Conditions, Forward Looking, Q2 2022 

The water for energy landscape is undergoing a transformation shaped by changing energy supplies and related water and energy management strategies across the municipal and industrial landscape. Bluefield’s approach to water for energy is expanding

Onsite Water Reuse with Epic Cleantec’s Aaron Tartakovsky 

Aaron Tartakovsky, CEO & Co-founder of Epic Cleantec, provides an outstanding overview of water reuse systems, their benefits and how centralized and decentralized components of a water system sup...

US$6.15 Billion PFAS Remediation Forecast Underpinned by Changing Regulatory Environment  

17 May 2022, Boston, Massachusetts:  The health risks and contamination associated with per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are propelling state and federal legislators to crack ...

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA): Breaking Down the Water Funding 

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act has set the stage for a new, larger wave of water infrastructure investment. The US$1.2 trillion bill, of which US$550.0 billion is new funding, points to new focus areas in water, including emerging contaminants, disadvantaged communities, and resiliency. In examining the new legislation, Bluefield’s team of water experts has identified 103 water-related line items, totaling over US$132.0 billion of appropriated funding.

PFAS: Drinking Water Treatment Regulations, Technologies, and Remediation Forecast 2022–2030 

Highly affected U.S. states, such as Michigan, New York, and New Jersey have sought to implement their own regulatory limits on PFAS concentrations in drinking water ahead of a slower moving federal government. Now, with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in the position to crack down on these chemicals in various water sources, including implementing drinking water maximum contaminant levels for PFOA & PFOS by Fall 2023, all states find themselves in the position of growing PFAS remediation need.

California Drought Mitigation Strategies Run in Different Directions 

California’s response to the current drought cycle—the second in a decade—has so far been mixed. Local and state-wide responses range from requests for voluntary conservation (15%) during the summer of 2021 to recent outdoor water restrictions for Los Angeles Water & Power (LADWP) and Metropolitan Water District (MWD) customers. Both have focused on reducing residential and commercial irrigation practices, limiting days to one or two days, respectively.

U.S. & Canada Municipal Water: Key Trends, Deals, and Policy in Water Management, Q2 2022 

Western U.S. states continue to find themselves in a record-breaking 20-year drought that increasingly threatens drinking water supplies. In California, currently 95% of the state is under “severe drought” conditions according to the U.S. drought monitor. Approximately one-third of the state’s drinking water supply is fed by runoff from melting snow, but in the Sierra Nevada mountains, snowpack is at only 29% of normal levels. California and other western states, along with the federal government, have been prompted to take stringent action to conserve remaining water resources.