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Is Household Water Management Overlooked as an Opportunity? 

Podcast host, Reese Tisdale, and Bluefield’s Senior Analyst Amber Walsh explore potential missed opportunities in household water management. Although domestic water or household water...

Mississippi v. Tennessee and Its Implications for State Water Policy with Robin Craig 

Robin Craig, the Robert C. Packard Trustee Chair in Law at USC Gould School of Law and long-time water law professor, joins us to discuss the background, arguments and holding in Mississippi v. Tennes...

Infrastructure Funding Drives PFAS Investment 

While the US$1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) ushers in US$55 billion of newly dedicated water sector investment, it also includes a sizeable US$10 billion for fiscal years 2022-2026 devoted to addressing contaminants of emerging concern. Central to the focus of this funding is the chemical class known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.

Corporate Sustainability: Water Management Trends and Strategies for Leading Food & Beverage Companies 

Bluefield Research has identified ten of the largest food & beverage companies, globally, and evaluated their water management positions and strategies. These companies’ strategies, which are represented globally, are key indicators of current and future shifts in water-related strategies, including new technology deployment, industry partnerships, and sustainability goals that the rest of the industry can follow. 

As Homeowners Get Smarter about Their Water, Key Stakeholders Are Rolling Out New Solutions and Strategies 

The convergence of climate, technology, and new business models is transforming household water management. While only making up 12% of water usage, globally, household water management ...

Bottled Water Craze Raises Questions about Water Quality & Utility Strategies 

In this episode, Bluefield’s Keith Hays and Eric Bindler, delves into the canned-water company Liquid Death and the growing questions about bottled water, the incredible size of the bottled wate...

A Heart-Based Approach to Industrial Water Treatment with Christina Lundbäck 

Christina Lundbäck provides a fascinating discussion of SurfCleaner and its applications to remove contaminants from water at wastewater treatment plants, industrial facilities, ports, harbors, and s...

U.S. & Canada Municipal Water: Key Trends, Policy Activity, Market Outlook, Q4 2021 

Strong economic growth amidst COVID-19, longer-term confidence in the impacts of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and broader corporate and commercial focus on water underlie optimism for the municipal water sector. Nonetheless, supply chain constraints, inflationary pressures, and Omicron-related uncertainty remains.

Top Companies In Water: Financial Signals and Market Trends, Q4 2021 

Analysis of the top publicly traded companies in water for Q3 2021 points toward continued operational and sales challenges stemming from COVID-19, supply chain disruptions, and a changed landscape for company workforces. While none of these are mutually exclusive, the broader impacts on company bottom-lines have increased significantly over the last 12 to 24 months.