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Municipal Water Challenges and Opportunities: 5 Key Issues to Consider in Your 2022 Strategy 

In Bluefield's final client webcast of 2021, our team of water experts discuss what lies ahead in 2022 for the municipal water sector including market shifts, company strategies, pain points, and opportunities for growth. 

Workforce Disruption: Who do Utilities Call for Help? 

According to an October AWWA survey, key issues facing water sector utilities and service providers in the U.S. and Canada are hiring difficulties and supply chain issues. Hiring, employee turnov...

All about charity: water with Chief Global Water Officer Christoph Gorder 

Christoph Gorder, Chief Global Water Officer, blows us away with a deep dive on charity: water and its work. In this session, you’ll learn about: How Christoph transitioned from disaster relief to c...

U.S. Private Water: Key Trends, M&A Activity, and Market Outlook, Q4 2021 

Despite fewer third-quarter approvals than initially anticipated, 2021 is still on track to become the most active year in terms of utility acquisitions in the U.S. With 27 approvals identified in the third quarter, and at least 18 already recorded so far in Q4, the total number of deals this year has already topped 151, equaling the total 2020 high. 

Policy Briefs 

Bluefield’s new podcast series breaks down the biggest and smallest events signaling change and opportunity across the water landscape. The Future of Water is where we talk about all the ways in which companies, utilities, and people are addressing the challenges and opportunities in water.


Water Wins Big in Infrastructure Bill 

As Congress has seemingly crawled across the finish line for a momentous infrastructure bill, executives in the water sector have expressed some frustration that the total amount of the bill is n...

Utilities on the Front Lines: Takeaways from Esri’s IMGIS Conference 

The Bluefield team recently returned from Esri’s Infrastructure Management and GIS (IMGIS) Conference in Palm Springs, California. The conference brought together more than 500 Esri staff members, t...

Water Takes a Seat at the Table in New, Landmark Infrastructure Bill 

The elusive “Infrastructure Week” has finally been realized with the passage of H.R. 3685, a US$1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that includes US$550 billion in new spending. For water, this is a ...