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Water Use on Military Installations with Cameron Craig 

Cameron was a civilian employee working on a U.S. Army base before moving to a military contractor. Cameron gives a terrific interview shining a light on water issues on military installations in this...

Water for Energy: Trends, Conditions, Forward Looking Q3 2021 

The water for energy landscape is undergoing a transformation, shaped by changing energy supplies and related water management strategies. Key topics at the forefront are electric power production undercut by droughts, strengthening upstream oil & gas sector heading into summer season bolsters midstream water outlook, hydrogen power pipeline will call for significant volumes of water placing emphasis on alternative sources, and earthquakes potentially shakeup fracking industry.

What Did We Learn at the World’s Largest Wastewater Conference? 

Bluefield’s digital water expert, Eric Bindler, breaks down his key findings from attending this year’s WEFTEC in Chicago. Eric discusses new product launches from Kando and Schneider Elec...

Thirsty Agriculture Sector Looks to Innovation to Reduce Water Footprint, Boost Resilience 

Agriculture accounts for the lion’s share of freshwater consumption—more than 40% in high income countries and as much as 70%, elsewhere according to the World Bank. If anything, the scale of ...

Is Demand Management the Answer on the Colorado River? 

James Eklund returns to The Water Values Podcast for a third time to provide an argument for why demand management is critical to the future of the Colorado River. In this session, you’ll learn abou...

Efforts to Rein in PFAS in Drinking Water Expand 

Globally, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are gaining priority as a real water concern. This has been demonstrated by recent policy proposals in Europe seeking to rein in the usage of these manmade chemical substances that are increasingly found in drinking water supplies.

Digital Water: Key Trends, Project Activity, and Market Outlook, Q3 2021 

The global digital water market continues to show mixed signs of recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, with supply chain disruptions, workforce pressures, and the proliferation of coronavirus variants weighing on digital water solutions providers—even as demand soars from 2020 lows.

Water Events 

Our water experts present at a variety of industry events on key topics shaping water markets & strategies. We are also available for custom company and board presentations. Meet Us at an Upcoming...

Drought, Floods Disrupt Global Water Sector 

The world is in a seemingly crazy and disjointed place, as climate, COVID, and geopolitical issues influence water markets. Bluefield’s water experts address some key trends and events impactin...