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Forever Chemicals in Drinking Water, Free of Charge 

Water is mostly recession-proof, with residential demand up +21% in some communities, water mains still leak (if not bursting) at average rates of +15% nationwide, and water quality concerns remain–...

Breaking and Entering: Water Sector Cybersecurity 

Cybersecurity is the issue of the day. Bluefield’s President & CEO Reese Tisdale sits down with Bluefield’s Eric Bindler, to talk cybersecurity, water infrastructure, and industry conc...

Toilet Paper Costs More Than Oil 

Is toilet paper more expensive than oil? Sure feels like it these days. This episode is all about water for energy, the oil patch, and the impacts of geopolitics, pandemics, and recession. Yikes! Get ...

Crisis Leads to Digital Acceleration 

It’s all about digital water spending, forecasts, and implications of a recession. Bluefield’s Digital Water Expert, Eric Bindler, will tackle the following  key questions and more:...

Get Smart in Water 

It’s all about municipal water spending, forecasts, and implications of a recession. Bluefield’s Erin Bonney Casey will address these questions and more:...

Future of Water (Trailer) 

Introducing The Future of Water, Bluefield’s new podcast series, where we talk about all the ways in which companies, utilities, and people are addressing the challenges and opportunities in wat...

VertexOne Gets Smart About Customer Analytics with WaterSmart Software Acquisition 

On 6 May 2020, Richardson, Texas-based utility customer information system technology and service provider VertexOne closed its acquisition of WaterSmart Software, a water-focused customer engagement software

Global Investment Trends and Opportunities in Water 

This webcast presented by Bluefield’s team addresses how will opportunities in the market shift post-COVID shock? Bluefield’s Insight Service clients receive full access to the

Tapping Into Resilience 

Cynthia Koehler, Executive Director of WaterNow Alliance, provides a great and energetic interview discussing WaterNow Alliance and its new program Tap Into Resilience. Cynthia’s reservoir of knowle...