Water Quality
Mounting public outcry and new state regulations are compelling water & wastewater utilities to address health risks associated with lead service lines, contaminants of emerging concern, and legionella. As a result, companies across the value chain are looking to address the range of water quality issues.
Bluefield helps address key trends impacting your business…
PFAS in drinking water necessitate investment in advanced treatment
To date, 1,400 industrial and commercial sites have been identified in 49 U.S. states with varying amounts of PFAS contamination. Bluefield’s PFAS remediation forecast shows that drinking water utilities will spend nearly US$13.5 billion between 2023 and 2030, up from a previously forecasted total of US$6.0 billion. The anticipated revision accounts for the EPA’s proposed MCLs and the momentum from recent manufacturer settlements.
Administration prioritizes lead service line replacement
Many cities and municipalities are feeling a renewed sense of urgency around lead service lines (LSL). Bluefield estimates some 6.1 million LSLs remain in the ground across the U.S., serving between 15 million and 22 million people. Analysis shows that full replacement will require US$32+ billion, driven by ten states that account for approximately 65% of the replacement market value.
Climate change increases incidences of algae blooms, threatening drinking water supplies
Going forward, signals (e.g. temperature, nutrient runoff, larger storm events) indicate Cyanobacterial Harmful Algal Blooms (CyanoHABs) will increase in prevalence and intensity beyond the southern states. With over 140 million people served by surface water in the U.S., monitoring for and treating cyanotoxins is an inescapable reality for community water systems.
Europe Drinking Water Directive offers more stringent regulations
With the E.U.’s revised Drinking Water Directive entering into force, member States have until January to transpose the revised Directive into their national legislation. The Directive, first introduced in 1998, lays down the essential quality standards across the E.U. level: a total of 48 microbiological, chemical, and indicator parameters must be monitored and tested regularly.
Corporate Subscriptions
Subscribe to receive ongoing, monthly data sets, reports, and insights on key topics related to water quality.Subscription Options
U.S. & Canada Municipal Water
Providing data sets and market insights for decision makers seeking to better understand and navigate the municipal water landscape.
Europe Municipal Water
Analyzing the myriad of factors influencing water and wastewater sector investments for municipalities and industrial firms in Europe.
Digital Water
Analyzing the impact of digital trends and technologies on company strategies and market opportunities.
Data Navigator
Access to Bluefield’s Data platform for more real-time data updates and relevant dashboards.
- EPA Industrial Consent Decrees
- State Revolving Fund Projects
Clean Water and Drinking Water - Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Systems
- Municipal Water CAPEX Forecasts
- PFAS Drinking Water Forecasts
Support & Interaction
Analyst Access
Dedicated team on-call to meet client inquiries, review forecast methodologies, or clarify proprietary data and analysis.
Custom Client Support
Board meeting presentations, onsite client workshops, and customer-focused events.
Corporate Subscriptions
Subscribe to receive ongoing, monthly data sets, reports, and insights on key topics related to water quality.Subscription Options
U.S. & Canada Municipal Water
Providing data sets and market insights for decision makers seeking to better understand and navigate the municipal water landscape.
Europe Municipal Water
Analyzing the myriad of factors influencing water and wastewater sector investments for municipalities and industrial firms in Europe.
Digital Water
Analyzing the impact of digital trends and technologies on company strategies and market opportunities.
Data Navigator
Access to Bluefield’s Data platform for more real-time data updates and relevant dashboards.
- EPA Industrial Consent Decrees
- State Revolving Fund Projects
Clean Water and Drinking Water - Publicly Owned Wastewater Treatment Systems
- Municipal Water CAPEX Forecasts
- PFAS Drinking Water Forecasts
Support & Interaction
Analyst Access
Dedicated team on-call to meet client inquiries, review forecast methodologies, or clarify proprietary data and analysis.
Custom Client Support
Board meeting presentations, onsite client workshops, and customer-focused events.