Private Investment

The role of private participation in water, globally, is one path to rehabilitating and upgrading utility assets. From investor-owned utilities in the U.S. to build-own-and-operate contracts for desalination plants in the Middle East, the roles played by private investors—financial and strategic—vary significantly by country and regulatory frameworks.

As the regional markets evolve in response to dynamic macroeconomic and climatic influences, established players are poised to build out from their existing platform positions and be joined by new market entrants.

Bluefield monitors key trends impacting private participation in water...

Corporate Subscriptions

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Subscription Options

U.S. Private Water

Providing bottom-up data and market insights for investor-owned utilities, public & private systems, and financial firms to make more informed decisions in the U.S. water market.

Europe Municipal Water

Providing bottom-up data and market insights for investor-owned utilities, public & private systems, and financial firms to make more informed decisions in the European water market.


Data Navigator

Clients of this service receive access to interactive data dashboards on private water.

  • M&A Transactions (Investor-Owned Utilities)
  • Fair Market Value Acquisitions
  • Municipal O&M Contracts
  • Military Service Contracts
  • Market Share (Investor-Owned Utilities)
  • Total Addressable Market for Utility Acquisitions
  • Investor-Owned Utility System Ownership
  • Water Utility Rate Cases

Support & Interaction

Analyst Access

Dedicated team on-call to meet client inquiries, review forecast methodologies, or clarify proprietary data and analysis.

Custom Client Support

Board meeting presentations, onsite client workshops, and customer-focused events.

Corporate Subscriptions

Subscribe to receive ongoing, monthly data sets, reports, and insights on key topics related to private investments.